Derek Peden

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Micro Blog, Maximum Contentment

I’m happier with my re-worked Wordpress site, and their place relative to my activity.

My challenge was that I had multiple conflicting requirements.

  1. Micro blogging to both and my hosted blog.
  2. Micro blogging to only, using the platform as a social network.
  3. Longer form titled posts to
  4. Longer form titled posts to, with a link posted on my hosted blog.
  5. Longer form titled posts to my hosted blog.
  6. Longer form titled posts to my hosted blog, and shared on
  7. Media content posted to my hosted blog.
  8. Media content posted to my hosted blog, and shared on
  9. And so on…

This was leading to friction in my workflow, leading me to postpone posting until I could parse how and where I wanted the content to go. My brain was directed to the structure, rather than the content.

My re-work has focussed on revised my mental model of where content is published. I’d had the intention of switching off my hosted blog, directing traffic to my Wordpress. But of course I should be thinking of site as another of my blogs, not as a competitor or distraction to my Wordpress blog. When I think about it in that way, and remove the complexity of sometimes wanting traffic to flow in either direction then this makes a huge difference.

I’m so much more content, thinking of it in this way.