Ill say one thing positive about Dominic Cumming’s he certainly knows how to right a sound-bight, even if “Get Brexit Done” is both woefully over-simplistic and patronising. Regardless, anyone who’s ever read a book or thought about global issues wants the exact opposite.

Life isn't something I'll get to later

I hate looking at Omnifocus and deciding which tasks I’m deferring, what date do I defer something to when I know I really should be doing it today but that it’s not sufficiently important, imperative or that I just can’t summon the energy to complete it. It’s essentially saying that Life is something I’ll get to later, which is depressing, pessimistic and clearly untrue.

No postal vote for me then

There’s a special circle in hell for the executives who signed off on non-skipable advertising on downloaded video

This country is sick of older generations venting their frustration that the last 40 years of growth hasn’t positively effected them individually, regardless of the benefits across the country.

Every time I hear baseball and “football” discussed on American TV they do it with such flair that I’m left thinking maybe I should start watching that.

Then I remember the 5-8hr time difference and that I have, well, a job for one thing, and no means of watching it either.

Phone at 1% battery at 10.30pm. Not bad considering it was unplugged at 6am this morning.

It seems my Wordpress site has been “upgraded” to with the following above the header:

Warning: Declaration of Auxin_Walker_Nav_Menu_Front::walk($elements, $max_depth, $args = NULL) should be compatible with Walker::walk($elements, $max_depth, …$args)…

Weekly Program

I’m not a programmer so I won’t attempt to fake the syntax but essentially my week runs as follows:

  • Monday: Drowning in available tasks in Omnifocus
  • Tuesday: Flagging tasks as priority
  • Wednesday: Highlighting key Flagged tasks with “Today” tag
  • Thursday: All new tasks get Flagged
  • Friday: Drowning in Flagged tasks tagged Today
  • Saturday: Remove Flags ands Today tag, defer content 1 week to create breathing space
  • Sunday: Reach Inbox Zero, moving identifying actions in Omnifocus

And repeat. On and on, and on, and on.

Ordered a cat water fountain. None in Pets at Home. Spend the last 15 minutes slowly pouring water from a cafeteria jug into a large bowl, allowing Bolly (16+) to drink from the flow.

My local supermarket has a complex and expensive aisle of gin, vodka, bourbon, mixers and but has a structural pillar in front of the malt whisky section. I don’t understand why you’d not put the low cost stock mixers there and make more of expensive spirits.

We lost this little girl today, but her 16 years were spoiled. Möet was special. Frequently annoying, but special.


To everyone with cause to complain about macOS reliability, the grass isn’t necessarily greener on the other side.

Shop at Hamburg Airport has Butter Croissants and (imperfectly translated) “Raisin Snails”.

Even at 11pm there’s still fireworks going off. That Fawkes guy has a lot to answer for.

The Amazon app on my iPhone has a banner for a local event. So their doing events now too?

If I could remove just 1 thing from my life it would be the need for sleep. There’s really so much more I could and should be doing for the next 6-6.5 hours.

I have a confession. I find myself back on Twitter from time to time. If only to write articulately and intelligently to those still pushing for Brexit and hurling abuse at anyone who disagrees with their narrow mind opinion.

Cramming it into 48 hours

Jonathan Freedland, in The Guardian:

All he had to do next was win approval for his accelerated timetable, one that would cram line-by-line scrutiny of a 110-page bill giving legal effect to a 585-page withdrawal agreement, into 48 hours. For a few fleeting, clammy-palmed moments, it seemed as if he might pull it off.

Thankfully not. There’s still hope.

I despair at watching people’s reasoning for accepting the proposed Brexit deal is simple weariness and impatience rather than ensuring a positive future.

I have checked out BBC Parliament this evening in advance of Saturday’s tumultuous debate on the future of the UK. It will probably something to endure more than to enjoy, but it’s fundamental to our future.

Ordered a Luna Display at 25% off as they announce Mac-to-Mac support.

Samsung: Anyone’s thumbprint can unlock Galaxy S10 phone. BBC News. Ouch!

Damn! That moment when you find out that Sidecar, the only “carrot” Apple’s dangled in front of you to “upgrade”(?) to Catalina isn’t supported on your MacBook Pro. You know the one with the life resistant keyboard.